Committed to Improving the Quality of Life for Animals
How We Help
We will go the extra mile to find and “save” abandoned and abused animals. No challenge is too great. We look for the “underdog” that no one wants. Maybe the dog is ugly, old, or sick. We live for those babies. The joy that comes from saving them is indescribable. We are partnering with Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami/Dade Counties to save unwanted, broken, and abused animals. Please join us in our effort.

Many dogs would be deemed unadoptable in a traditional shelter environment and euthanized due to failing health issues. We will provide a quiet and loving environment for these pets when their owners are no longer able to care for them especially when faced with “end of days” complexities. No animal in the last stages of life should ever be euthanized in a shelter environment. We will bring them to our Sanctuary and allow them to have the absolute BEST quality of life for as long as they can, even if it’s only a few days. We will provide the best medical care during this time as well. When we feel that we are no longer able to provide a meaningful “quality of life,” we will help the beloved animal pass over to the rainbow bridge in a loving environment. This will take place in a soft bed with love and companionship. We feel all animals should leave this world surrounded by love and dignity.

Many animals are abandoned on the streets throughout South Florida. In some cases, their human guardian has died or become too ill to care for them. Because of their advanced age, health problems, and the trauma they have experienced, they were unlikely to be adopted. Previously unwanted animals are welcomed into a community of their own kind and caring humans, where they can feel safe, loved, and wanted, sometimes for the first time in their lives. Our sanctuary provides a safe and loving environment for animals that are having trouble attracting adopters. We have the ability to take what we feel are very adoptable dogs out of the county shelter environment and Peep’s has lifetime to find a suitable adopter. If no one steps up, they will live their lives at the sanctuary. It is also a safe haven for abused and neglected animals who are not eligible for adoption. We will have medical cases with disabilities that are not suitable for the average individual or family. If we find a qualified home for them, great! However, if not, they will have a safe and loving home at our sanctuary. Same applies for dogs with behavioral issues that require a special home. If we can’t find a save environment that is equipped for that type of dog, he or she will also stay at the sanctuary

Some of Our Sanctuary Residents

One of our goals is to rehabilitate dogs deemed “unadoptable”! That label is misused more than it isn’t. Examples of “unadoptable” are as follows:
- Too old
- Health issues
- Behavioral issues
- Aggression issues
- Social issues
- And many other excuses people like to label their unwanted dogs with

At Peep’s Playground, we have the best veterinarians, physical therapists, holistic practitioners, and dog trainers in Florida and Georgia, if not on the east coast. If we don’t have the right resource available to us in Florida and Georgia, we will find who and what we need. We will exhaust every option before we say an animal is unable to be rehabilitated. However, even if we feel a dog is unadoptable, it still doesn’t mean the dog is not an excellent candidate for our Sanctuary program. It just depends on the situation.
Our trainers have and do train local law enforcement K9s. They are accustomed to strong dogs and the challenges that come along with them as well as having the compassion and knowledge to train “Fluffy” the little Maltese. We are well equipped to live up to our mission statement.
One of the excellent trainers available to Peep’s Playground is Michael Lorraine, owner of LK9. Mike is also the founder of CAMO canines assisting military operators. He provides our veterans with fully trained service dogs, some of which come from shelter environments.